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2021 Wrap Up

A fresh off the press summary of 2021

2021 Wrap Up

2021 has been an exciting year for us. From embarking on a journey of introspection leading up to a complete overhaul of our brand, and the cherry on the top, our acquisition by Perion Network, we are happy to share that we are working on numerous fascinating projects. We can’t wait for 2022!

But just before we welcome the new year, here’s a quick rewind to all the great material we’ve put together this year. We hope that it will help you prepare and strategize for the coming year!

  • Is Publisher’s fear of video justified? Publishers benefiting from a steadily increasing yet consistent revenue stream from video content with pre-roll ads is not a rare phenomenon. However, some still have reservations and are not keen on adding video to their sites for various reasons. Do you need to be scared of video? Read the article and find out!
  • Is Header bidding something you should consider in your video monetization strategy? Is it right for every type of Publisher out there? And if yes, what’s the right way to go about doing it? Read the post here.
  • Core Web Vitals for Publishers. Should you pay attention? Over the last few years, it seems like search engine optimization has been slowly pushed aside and replaced by social media strategies. However, staying on the search engine’s “good side” comes with its own set of benefits. Find out what they are here.
  • Examine and evaluate your site’s UX with our ultimate Upgrading UX for Publishers Blueprint. Download it here.
  • Give our A/B tests a shot and discover new user insights that may benefit your monetization strategy. Download our Tactics and A/B Test Blueprint here.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We’ve got tons of exciting things coming your way in 2022.

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